We are situated in the Gaspésie, a mountainous forested peninsula in eastern Canada.
We offer wild products -edible plants, mushrooms, flowers, wild fruits, seeds and berries... -fresh and dried, all collected directly from their natural environments.
We practice a sustainable picking, that means we don't pick dozens of tons of forest products. We just take what we need !
Our pickers are primarily from Québec, but this can vary depending on the species we are collecting and their respective picking season.
Most of our pickers are land owners picking on their own land.
We always deliver the best quality, whether in bulk or retail.
We act to preserve our Planet :
-we don't pick endangered or fragile species.
-our products are fumigation free.
-our dried products are packed in bags made from 40% recycled natural paper.
-1% of our benefits goes to the protection of the environment.
your visit !
Catherine JACOB
Wild Gaspe Forest Products Inc.
34, Rooney
Douglastown, Qc
G4X 2Z2
Phone-Fax : 1 418 368-2296